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Posts: 10
parts for sale in michigan   Posted Thu Jan 16, 03   6:29 PM     

90 eclipse parts or whole car,1.8 motor needs head gasket,2.2 needs a broken spark removed,automatic trans. i paid $1200 for it(got robbed)car was running till i broke the spark plug,sold 22 inch einkis,have 16"
stockies on it is to be towed,or trailered..or will ship parts UPS or what ever you want and will pay for???whole car $1,000 obo on parts

YOUR A VERY FAST ONE!!!cause i was haulin' when i passed you!!!

Posts: 548
Re: parts for sale in michigan   Posted Fri Jan 17, 03   2:18 PM     

I dont suppose youve got a 50cc scooter specific NOS (NAAAWWWSSS) kit have you?

50cc diesel powered tarmac eating slingshot.
I could beat any of you....Just bring it.
Posts: 2924
Re: parts for sale in michigan   Posted Fri Jan 17, 03   2:34 PM     

did he says he has it NO he didn't do you think he gives a fuck about a little fuckign scooter last guy i saw on one of those ended up with a MAJOR case of road burn and i laughed my ass off for hours at his fucked up little scooter bitch face ok so shut up you can't pout nos on your scooter and noone gives a fuick if you do because you probably don't even know the damn difference between deisel and gas you little dick.


now shut up or the chevette will smoke your ass half way to hong freking kong!

oh yeah and welcome to the site

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

Posts: 548
Re: parts for sale in michigan   Posted Fri Jan 17, 03   2:46 PM     

Jeez, calm down ok? Some guy who fell off a scooter must've been really crap or drunk, they're the easiest things to ride after some practice. And if youre gonna insult someone, at least be bothered to watch ur spelling. Im 13, youre 17, and i can spell better than you. I just laugh at people who shoot their mouths off at me and cant even spell right. and i was just joking about the nos thing.
thanks for being so welcoming btw.

50cc diesel powered tarmac eating slingshot.
I could beat any of you....Just bring it.
Posts: 2924
Re: parts for sale in michigan   Posted Fri Jan 17, 03   3:04 PM     

oooh so you wanna see me spell well ok i'll spell for ya.

Do you want it in formal essay form, bitch?

You are simply one of the single most annoying 13 year olds on this, the Coachella Valley Street Racing website. You are to stupid to realise just how stupid you are. Ever think that the guy driving that scooter may have fell for a reason? Or would a theory such as that stated be to intense for a simple mind such as yours to comprehend.

However it has been brought to my attention that you think you're funny. Obviously it's either the youth in the country currently known as the United Kingdom that are fucked up, Or it could jsut be you. Which is it?

by the way youre jokes are stupid and don't make sense and the last guy i saw with a non motorised scooter well his reinforced super strong razor got bent in half now shut up

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

Posts: 10
Re: parts for sale in michigan   Posted Fri Jan 17, 03   6:46 PM     

RELAX !!!!!!!!!.............SHIT!! ok ill solve the problem ...ok ....hereb it is...PUT A BIGGER CHAINSAW motor on it....hell i wish i had a nos kit for it now ...shit!!!oh BTW i paid 1,200 for the tranny..i paid 2grand for the original car...(without NOS) lol

D A M N YOUR AFAST ONE!!! cause i was haulin' ASS when i passed you!!!