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Posts: 1387
Stock s10 fenders   Posted Fri Mar 28, 03   1:16 PM     

ok, truck isn't for sale anymore, but you can have a part of it!
02 White perfect fenders (sorry they're not Dodge Jason)
email me if you're interested or know someone who would be

Sweet Devil Clothing
Ride Like HELL!
Posts: 702
Re: Stock s10 fenders   Posted Sat Apr 12, 03   12:44 PM     

Hey, you still have those? My fenders have some dents/scratches and it'd be nice if I could just get some new ones lol
If ya do have em still, how much ya want for em?

~~~::<Curtis Stryker>::~~~
They say a smile is a gift which is free to the giver and precious to the recipient. But giving the finger is free too, and I find it more personal and sincere.
Posts: 1387
Re: Stock s10 fenders   Posted Mon Apr 14, 03   8:51 AM     

Too late... I didn't get fiberglass fenders right away and I cut the hell outta the fenders. And if you didn't see the video of when i jumped it, those mudders took out what was left of the fenders

Sweet Devil Clothing
Ride Like HELL!
Posts: 702
Re: Stock s10 fenders   Posted Mon Apr 14, 03   9:57 AM     

LOL. Yeah, I saw the video. That's one way to fuck up the stock parts on your truck. haha

~~~::<Curtis Stryker>::~~~
They say a smile is a gift which is free to the giver and precious to the recipient. But giving the finger is free too, and I find it more personal and sincere.