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Main >> Classifieds Thread views: 2090

Posts: 1799
Nitrous Express Parts/Kits/Gauges/Etc...   Posted Wed Apr 23, 03   12:39 PM     

hi y'all,

my best friend and i are going to become dealers of nitrous express products. it's a pretty hefty buy-in to get the rate we're getting.

anyway, if any of you have even considered using nitrous on your vehicle, you need to contact me for pricing.

i can't really discuss any of this in a forum like this, above and beyond - 'Contact me for pricing'


Project Junkyard Turbohund - '75 BMW 3.0 CS; M30 3.4L Straight Six; Turbonetics T3/T04E Hybrid Turbo, Custom Intake w/ Integrated Water to Air Intercooler; Haltech E6K; EBC

Posts: 2404
Re: Nitrous Express Parts/Kits/Gauges/Etc...   Posted Sun May 25, 03   9:10 AM     

"i can't really discuss any of this in a forum like this, above and beyond -" the ganja getting ya alittle paranoid ehhhhhh?


Posts: 548
Re: Nitrous Express Parts/Kits/Gauges/Etc...   Posted Wed Jun 25, 03   2:13 AM     

Jason, you still doing that?

Just interested.

A wheel is for ever. A car is infinity times four.
Drive it like you stole it!