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Posts: 1646
Foglights   Posted Sat Jan 21, 06   6:10 PM     

I have 5 sets of APC foglights on eBay right now. Take a look at them. If I can get someone to buy them here I will sell them immidiately.

"go wack you balls to a picture of 2 faggets you homo" << Direct quote from FastFiveO

Posts: 266
Re: Foglights   Posted Sun Jan 22, 06   7:30 PM     

You steal headlights from the Junk yard, naw im Just playing, hey were did you get the lights, or do you have a business Rx?

Living life in the fast lane.....

Posts: 1646
Re: Foglights   Posted Mon Jan 23, 06   6:21 PM     

My brother gave them to me. A guy he knows owns a shop and gave em away, so I figured I would make a profit. $15 if you want to deal out of eBay. Thats cheap considreing that theyre like 60 bucks.

"go wack you balls to a picture of 2 faggets you homo" << Direct quote from FastFiveO

Posts: 266
Re: Foglights   Posted Mon Jan 23, 06   7:22 PM     

No kidding, but it says they are universal, and they really dont look universal to me. what cars would they fit. Do you know? I see it advertised as for Subaru's.

Living life in the fast lane.....

Posts: 1646
Re: Foglights   Posted Tue Jan 31, 06   1:40 AM     

They are universal, even says it on the box. They fit every car because it comes with a wiring harness. Its advertised for a subaru because I used the typical ebay marketing scheme and included popular cars in the title so that they would show up when people searched for parts that would be for that car. Price has been reduced to $10 outside of ebay.

"go wack you balls to a picture of 2 faggets you homo" << Direct quote from FastFiveO

Posts: 266
Re: Foglights   Posted Tue Jan 31, 06   2:36 PM     

Well Id pick some up but I dont need new Fog lights for my camaro...they are pretty decent though

Living life in the fast lane.....