------Dual Stage Boost Controllers for sale------- Posted Tue Jul 2, 02 7:18 AM
If you've been looking around for a great DSBC, now is the time to buy. This DSBC is now on ebay for a starting bid of only $100 (plus shipping). You can't even get a TurboXS DSBC for that price. They sell for $239!
Please check out the link below - you'll probably like what you see!
Re: ------Dual Stage Boost Controllers for sale------- Posted Tue Jul 2, 02 8:03 AM
But that's not all!!! Click now and recieve this new jinkoso knife. It slices, it dices, and you can't cut yourself!! It's made of the sharpest rubber in the world!!!
Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
Re: ------Dual Stage Boost Controllers for sale------- Posted Tue Jul 2, 02 10:05 AM
Hey you know what.... If you give me three of those knives, I'll send you one free of charge, OK? Sounds like a deal to me! I've been looking for one of those for quite a while now!!