Posts: 1
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Mon Nov 4, 02 9:52 PM
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This bill is bullshit, so anyone who is around when someone is racing gets a fine and jail time. that is total bullshit.
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Mon Nov 4, 02 11:20 PM
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Not that it really matters for you, cause this bill only concerned California, so you rednecks over in Kentucky are safe for now...Same with us in Colorado. I think it's bullshit too, but I don't have to worry about it, neither do you.
~~~::::<Curtis Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 1799
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Tue Nov 5, 02 10:42 AM
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it is NOT bullshit.
you know, if you want to race, be a fucking responsible human being. a race takes 2 people, not a fucking crowd of targets for stray cars, u-joints, tires, wheels, axle shafts, etc.
i honestly cannot believe that people are pissed about this. we should race like they do in michigan. show up at a gas station and go out two at a time. that's how it should be. that's how it's safe, and that's how it's simple to avoid the fuzz.
racing on a street as opposed to the strip is great. it's fun, it's easy, and it's free (except for the gallon or so of gas some of our cars gulp down in a quarter mile of full's hard when your fuel pump flows more than a toilet).
myself, i'm more of an off the line light to light racer. break the speed limit by maybe 25mph for less than a few seconds...big deal. 'course (self aggrandizing bullshit on its way, watch out), my car will do 0-100 in less than 11 seconds, so it's easy to play without being caught...
'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Tue Nov 5, 02 12:37 PM
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I agree partially. I like watchin other people race...It's one of the funnest spectator sports *right after mudwrestling * and it's just fun to watch. Plus, don't forget, that a majority of the people who race do it to prove somethin, so what good would it be to race without anyone witnessing your mechanical/driving skills. I agree with ya that it does save lives *and that's what it was probably intended for*, but come on...If they don't wanna risk their lives, they won't be out there...Everyone knows how dangerous it is to race...or even to watch others race...But some people don't care...they like doin it anyways.
~~~::::<Curtis Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 1799
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Tue Nov 5, 02 12:47 PM
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first off stryker, i have nothing against you, don't take this the wrong way.
but 1. those are all the wrong reasons to race. a race is a competitive test of ones ability to build an engine/drivetrain/automobile that can accomplish a task, not a bigger dick contest. it's a challenge, not an ego trip. the ego trip is secondary...
second, it's NOT fun to watch. have you ever gone to the track? it's boring. it sucks watching other people do what you want to be doing, whether you're running that night or not. my humble opinion at least...
third, i guess if you want to treat it like some extreme sport (aka honda dodgeball), go right ahead. but racing is not necessarily a risky thing. a risk to your engine, etc...maybe, but if you're racing without properly taking the precautions necessary to save your own life, that's asinine. your statement of "if they don't wanna risk their lives, they won't be out there." really scares me. honestly, how many of those kids along the sidelines of an out in the middle of nowhere street race do you think have any idea the potential risk they are facing? a bunch of dumb shits following their friends is all i see.
bottom line: be responsible. racing through a crowd is not. it never will be. it's ignorant. don't fucking do it. what happens when somebody spits an axle right into the crowd, then goes sideways through a bunch of people? watch the news...i'm sure you'll see.
'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.
Posts: 1303
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Tue Nov 5, 02 1:09 PM
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well, i dont care what anybody says, it is an ego thing. it might not be to you but to most pepole it is. the smart thing to do is stay behind the cars that are racing and not stand all along the street that is getting raced on. thats the one thing that pepole do to risk their lives while watching races. to be honest with you, i feel good when pepole are watching the races that im in. I also like to be watching races too.
--------------------------------------------------------------ILL BE WAITING AT THE NEXT LIGHT!
Posts: 2924
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Tue Nov 5, 02 2:14 PM
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uglystick can you honestly tell me your head doesn't get a little bit bigger when you smoke the new sportscar in the next lane? if it wasn't at all an ego thing we'd be racing against the clock and nothing else. you win you get an ego boost you can't deny that
the bill is perfectly right if you're endangering yourself or others you deserve a fine whether you're promoting the race or acting in it.
A race "needs" 2 people but in fairnesses sake you should have 4 atleast 3 starter, drivers and judge preferablt with a video camera to settle i beat you disputes.
watching racing is boring? well that all depoends on what cars are involved if youre watching cars that run slower than 12 it's gonna be boring. anything under especially lower that 8s is fun.
and the danger is why some people watch or even do it danger is adrenaline adrenaline is a rush everyone loves the rush thats the fun of it all
ford racing the biggest oxymoron EVER!
resident chevette lover!
future chevette lover ->> [External Image Removed]
Posts: 1799
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Tue Nov 5, 02 2:50 PM
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oh hell yeah! but it should be a function of the challenge, not a reason for the challenge. the only way i can describe this, is that i have a fast car. i could face crush everyone at the light, but i pick my battles. i don't go around lightin' em up next to hondas all day long unless they rev on me. if the ego was the REASON to race, you'd stomp EVERYONE....if the challenge was the reason to race, you'd pick your battles. that's the only way i can explain.
now as for watching racing...i'd rather be out in the middle of nowhere by myself romping on the gas than watch someone else who i don't know race. now my friends racing, different story. but there is usually a lot more history associated with challenges like that. the thing i'm bagging on is the 200 people show up for the 'street races' and line the curbs with people right down the street that people are racing on. it troubles me that people are that stupid.
and some of us do race against the clock (or in my case, the seat of my pants) more than we race against other cars. that's why i like light to light races. one tap of the gas and it's done. the dispute is settled. if i can beat your ass by 12 car lengths to 100mph, you cannot beat me in the quarter mile. there's no reason to exceed 100mph (or in most cases about 70mph, because they let off the gas long ago...)
but i think when you have a car that'll run a 12, you'd understand that the real adrenaline rush of it all is simply the acceleration, not who's in the next lane over. unless they talked shit at the light a few seconds back... ;-)
'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.
Posts: 4
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Wed Nov 6, 02 4:35 PM
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but Ky88gt siad that the racers and aneyone watching get the ticket.
why do spectators get the bull shit ticket?? i mean i can understand the racers.
Posts: 1387
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Wed Nov 6, 02 4:56 PM
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Yep, anyone watching too... which makes sense if you read uglystick's posts. If you have a one on one race and maybe a third vehicle of two or so friends spectating, it's ok. But you go out with 30 wanna-be drag racing rice racers, and it gets dangerous.
Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Thu Nov 7, 02 4:40 PM
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Because it's when there are a lot of spectators that people get hurt...Ok...True story from 'round here...
Kid in a 2000 Firechicken wants to race a kid in his Integra Type R *A REAL type R*. So they take a bunch of their friends out to railhead and race. (Railhead is the local illegal dragstrip). They race out to the end. Integra-boy smokes the firechicken. So they decide to race back, using nitrous this time. Everyone is along the sides where they can't get hurt. So firechicken and type R are comin back, and 2 guys get into a 'my dick is bigger' contest, and one guy throws a punch. Integra-boy sees someone fly out into his path. He hits his e-brake and skids. He gets out of his car and sees that he just hit his best friend at 85MPH. He's pronounced dead at the scene.
MORAL of this story: When you have a bunch of kids who gather in groups, a lot more can happen other than just car parts flinging in different directions...Racing is an ego rush, sometimes even for those who aren't even racing. That's why spectators will get a ticket too...cause it's not always the racers that cause the accidents, and the people to get hurt....
~~~::::<Curtis Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 327
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Thu Nov 7, 02 7:44 PM
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so what we are all trying to say is....Don't be a fucking asshat and have a shit load of people..just you, the guy your racing, and an inpartical judge. Or if you want all 1000 of your friends to watch. have them all chip in so you can take it to the track and pay to race and have real proof of whose faster
so far only known MN-12 chassis (cougar/tbird)ford lover on the site
Edited by Satanismycopilot (Thu Nov 7, 02 7:51 PM)
Posts: 1799
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Fri Nov 8, 02 11:40 AM
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asshat....hahahahahaha... yes, that's what i was saying as well.
'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Fri Nov 8, 02 5:02 PM
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I'm not opposed to the group-gatherings...just opposed to people bein stupid at them. Most of the people there are just there to socialize...and others race...I don't care how many people are there when I race...but they had better not be stupid 'bout it...or I'll call the damned cops myself!
~~~::::<Curtis Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 327
Re: Senate Bill 2087 Posted Sat Nov 9, 02 8:23 PM
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"asshat....hahahahahaha... yes, that's what i was saying as well. "
thank you thank you....and you know it dont cost that much, around here anyway to race. to go to the Acto Raceway here in south jersey it costs an amazing horrible, insane...........8 fucking dollars....yes 8 fucking dollars to have all your buddy's watch safely and get a nice lil time slip at the end
so far only known MN-12 chassis (cougar/tbird)ford lover on the site