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Posts: 61
Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   12:55 AM     

Just caught a story on channel 3 tonight (thanks GotRice!!) about the new bill that may soon be approved that would mean anyone present during a speed contest could be arrested and get a maximum of 90 days in jail and a $500 fine. This includes exhibition (burning out, etc.)!
All this law is going to do is give racers more of a reason to run, putting others at risk. I've been in the local scene since 1996 and I've never seen anyone hurt while racing because we were miles from any busy roads. Sure there have been a few fights and a couple fender benders (in the panic to leave), but hell, worse things have happened after major basketball games!

Let's hear your comments!

You can find the latest info on the bill by going here.


Posts: 12
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   3:06 AM     

personally, i feel street racing today (especially in the desert cities) is extremely dangerous. i used to race for many years but won't race in the street now.

it isn't the actual racing that is the dangerous part. when the cops come and everyone scatters it is chaos. cars and people are running every which way. most of the spectators are boneheads who don't know how to drive their parent's suv and are likely to crash into your rod.

plus, i find this new breed of racer to not really know the "rules" of the street or how to handle themselves in a race. the set up today is nuts. people and cars lining the streets in front of the racers???! hello! this is the reason kids were getting killed in ontario so the cops cracked down (and rightly so). the idiots of the world ruined it.

i remember the days when we could get together with a small group of about 5-10 cars and race all night long with no one the wiser. today that is impossible. oh well.

when are they opening the track in banning? they shouldn't pass laws like this until there is an alternative to racing in the street. that's my two cents.


Posts: 13
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   6:42 AM     

dude i think that is so retarded. here in virginia if your car is loud then they pull you and give you a ticket. me and boyfriend race all the time in deserted areas and non dangerous places. just like a month ago we go t pulled because our car was too loud. they even kick people out of the parking lots when they sit there and rev their engines and stuff. i think we should make a peitition or something....ya know like not do it at certain busy times and stuff..... i dunno tho i guess we'll see. i still think its dumb

With an "X" and an "O" this lil chick has gots to go!!!
Posts: 1387
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   8:06 AM     

A PETITION??? Hey, now that's a GREAT idea! We could even put it in a chain letter to all of our friends! Then millions would read it and they'd listen to us for sure!!

__________________ Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   12:24 PM     

Ummm. I hate to be a pesimist here, but I REALLY don't think that would work very well. I mean, think 'bout it. We are a group of people who support illegal street racing (It may not be as bad as some crimes, and people don't get hurt as often, but let's face it, it IS illegal). Ya know what would happen? They'd take one look at our petition, see that the only reason we don't want the law to pass is cause we all know we will end up in jail if it does, and then laugh at us. They'll tear the petition up, and send us on our merry little way. I mean, come on. Do you really think 200 street racers are gonna convince the gov't to not pass these laws? Even if we do get word out to other people...if we do start a chain letter, then a lot of people will hear about it. But it still would have minimal effectiveness. If we start this petition, and then they pass the law, then they will look at us as people who support/promote illegal activities, and everyone involved will end up behind bars for 3 months, and have a nice $500 fine. Personally, I don't wanna do things that way. I mean, I don't think we should just roll over and die here, but I don't think a petition would be that smart...or even anything that lets us be heard much...I mean, we can send annonymous letters to congress or whoever, and ask nicely not to pass the law cause we really don't hurt anyone, but how effective do ya think it'd be? Really, I think our only hope is if the gov't either decides that passing this bill really isn't worth their time, or if we all pitch together and bribe them.
Ok. There's my two cents.

~~~::::<Scorpion Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 1387
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   12:43 PM     

knock, knock, anybody home??? k, well DUH!!!! I was being sarcastic. A petition is the dumbest thing i've heard of, the only thing i could think of to top it would be a chain letter.... it was supposed to be a joke to match the carless chick's smarts...

__________________ Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   1:07 PM     

Ah. Ok. Well, I didn't catch on to that...sorry.

~~~::::<Scorpion Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 1387
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   1:08 PM     

that's ok.... I'm just surprised you weren't picking up my sarcasm, i was laying it on pretty thick...

__________________ Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   1:10 PM     

Yeah. I'm at work, so I'm not paying full attention right now. I'm playin ball with a co-worker, and I'm talking to some of the stupidest beings known to man (You guessed it! AOL MEMBERS! NOTE: This doesn't apply to ALL of them, just the ones that end up calling my extension) LOL. So yeah, I kinda missed out on the obvious there...

~~~::::<Scorpion Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 121
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   1:40 PM     

lol i read that when i was at work.. i burst out laughing and someone actually came over and asked what was wrong lol

Posts: 405
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   3:29 PM     

no matter what...I don't think they will ever get rid of street racing...It's like a way of life for some people.

Go Ahead.... Unleash your Beast.... Mine will be waiting...
Posts: 1387
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   3:33 PM     

not aw.... i think the chain letter will work. they listen to those petition things. we'll just send it in to bush, he'll take care of it for us...

__________________ Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
Posts: 405
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   3:36 PM     

lol...sure he will...j/k

Go Ahead.... Unleash your Beast.... Mine will be waiting...
Posts: 702
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   4:04 PM     

Or if Clinton were still in office, we could send him the petition along with one of sweetdevil's pictures (I'm thinkin the one with the black boots...). I'm sure he'd help us out then.

~~~::::<Scorpion Stryker>::::~~~
Posts: 1387
Re: Senate Bill 2087   Posted Thu May 2, 02   4:04 PM     

LMAO.... damn i should've thought of that one

__________________ Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over!
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