Posts: 1395
Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Sun Oct 9, 05 8:48 AM
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November 18, 19, 20: First Annual Palm Springs Revival Historic Auto Racing Festival at Jaqueline Cochrane Airport in Coachella. Don't have info on cost yet, but have been told it will be low (somewhere around 10 dollars per day or possibly as low as 10 for the weekend, will post when more info is available).
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Posts: 1395
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Sun Nov 6, 05 7:01 AM
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Little bit of an update: prices are $10 for one day or $15 for the weekend. Should be lots of fun, hope to see some people there.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Posts: 2404
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Mon Apr 3, 06 8:25 PM
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Any thing else coming up soon?
Posts: 1395
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Thu Apr 6, 06 1:11 PM
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Nothing I've heard about.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Posts: 2404
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Sun May 7, 06 9:10 PM
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theres a porsche club meeting in PS next month, with a few GT3's and GT2's and a bunch of vintage stuff
Posts: 1395
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Sat May 13, 06 8:48 AM
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Where at? Give us more info as you come across it, cause I'd love to go there.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Posts: 2404
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Sat May 27, 06 4:14 PM
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I'm afrade to tell you for your sake, they mite laugh at you if you pulled up in that little womans car of yours
Posts: 3
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Wed May 31, 06 7:37 PM
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dude... whats your fucking problem... I mean cant u try not fucking up people lifes
How? you ask
1. Go kill yourself
2. Get me to kil you
3. Have me kill you while you kill yourself
4. Watch me kill your mother and father and then you are so depressed that you dont talk for the rest of your life.
Any of thos would work for me
Posts: 67
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Mon Jun 5, 06 1:02 PM
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as much as id like to see him shutup.... if he really wanted he could take you to court on that comment all he would have to do is say that he felt threatened for his life and his mother and fathers life... plz keep silly comments like that to yourself i mean come on dont make youself look as immture as he is everyone makes there comments to him and i do it regular but that is just something ya dont say
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Posts: 2404
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Mon Jun 5, 06 1:25 PM
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You have no idea what your talking about so for your sake shut the fuck up please ass hole
Posts: 312
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Tue Jun 6, 06 10:10 AM
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This again, he couldnt take him to court. No actually proof who said it, and its the damn internet.
Posts: 1395
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Wed Jun 7, 06 3:11 PM
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I have some questions for you. What's wrong with a woman's car? Do you know what the most famous "woman's car" is? I'll tell you. It's the Pontiac GTO. In the mid 60's Pontiac came up with an advertiing slogan that gave an alternate meaning to the name GTO (which actually means Gran Turismo Olomogato, or Grand Touring Homologated which has to do with racing). The commercial talked about how much women loved the car and said that GTO meant Girls Take Over.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Posts: 2404
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Wed Jun 7, 06 10:24 PM
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You cant compare a Scion to a GTO ya fucking idiot
Posts: 67
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Thu Jun 8, 06 1:20 PM
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uhm actually i do know what im taking about so do me the favor and blow the fuck off already dipshit btw i know some Scions that will outrun a gto as long as there not spraying nitrous
[External Image Removed]
Posts: 1395
Re: Vintage Racing in the Desert Posted Thu Jun 8, 06 7:53 PM
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I'd say my car is a damn sight better than the "new" GTO that Pontiac is getting rid of since they can't sell them, while my Scion tC is selling so many that there's a waiting list in many places.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.