Re: Drag-City Groundbreaking Posted Tue Aug 17, 04 12:51 PM
Hey TRM,
They fooled everyone, it was just smoke and mirrors and nothing more. IT WILL NEVER BE BUILT!
How about those "memberships" they tried selling 4 years ago? If anyone actually bought one, what do you think they are doing with it now? Get the picture?
There is no substitute for cubic inches, except for cubic centimeters!
Re: Drag-City Groundbreaking Posted Fri Aug 20, 04 10:23 PM
"after a few bowls and some thinkin i got a theory, A few low budget investors start puting togeather an idea (scam) to build a track to get biger investors money before the project gets past 5% complete, say they invest 25k each so they have 100k totall. so they have enough money to lease some land, have media advertise the project, get a web site going, have a ground breaking and a road built. Investors would see lots of potential in a business like that, i bet they got a few million from investors then ditched the project "
That has got to be the first time you made any real sense.