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Main >> Domestic Forum Thread views: 2324

Posts: 702
Makin Ricers look good   Posted Wed Dec 18, 02   6:42 PM     

I was in the parking lot at a plaza a bit ago, and I saw a group of people huddled around a nice mustang that I've seen around town a couple times...2002 SVT Cobra ...Only one in town.
I went over to the guy and started talkin to him and he gave me a grand tour of his car.
Had the Saleen wing on it...
SVT Badges on the fender...
Cobra badge on the grill...
SVT embroidered on the seats, and imprinted on the stearing wheel...
The body kit that comes on the SVT Cobra R...
And it was painted a sweet metalic black *Same color I wanna do my truck*
Then he popped the hood for me. Then I saw it. The unmistakable sight of a 6 cylinder engine. I looked around for a minute to make sure that the other two cylinders hadn't been misplaced, but they were no where in sight. I looked at the guy for a minute with a hurt expression on my face, and he just closed the hood on the car, and kept talkin 'bout how fast it was and how much it cost, etc.
My appreciation of Mustang owners just went down that much...

~~~::<Curtis Stryker>::~~~
They say a smile is a gift which is free to the giver and precious to the recipient. But giving the finger is free too, and I find it more personal and sincere.

Posts: 1742
Re: Makin Ricers look good   Posted Wed Dec 18, 02   7:59 PM     

Oh man. That's 10 times worse than a type R badge... I feel sick


Posts: 726
Re: Makin Ricers look good   Posted Wed Dec 18, 02   10:50 PM     

Thats a lot of money for nothing to show.

Posts: 702
Re: Makin Ricers look good   Posted Thu Dec 19, 02   1:34 AM     

No shit. Oh, if it helps any, the engine DID have a cold air intake on it...I seriously doubt that makes up for the 2 missing cylinders and extra horsepower that a real SVT Cobra R would have...

~~~::<Curtis Stryker>::~~~
They say a smile is a gift which is free to the giver and precious to the recipient. But giving the finger is free too, and I find it more personal and sincere.