This is going to sound like a bit of a weird question considering I am in AUstralia, but, I was wondering what the price would be for a Decent CQ Chevrolette Tahoe with leather seats?
If there are any web site you could point me in that would be great
Check it out it's like this....
If I lose, winner takes my happy meal.
But if I win, I take the burger AND the TOY!
To some people thats more important.
Chad dude, what is the site for the Kelly Blue Book?
Check it out it's like this....
If I lose, winner takes my happy meal.
But if I win, I take the burger AND the TOY!
To some people thats more important.
I exported a 1997 Tahoe LT to Australia. He payed the shipping and had to have the truck complianced with the australian government. He still is not driving the truck and this was over 1 1/2 years. He is in melbourn. If you need help with that, let me know if you are near by him and I could hook you 2 up. The guy told me that he will have a very rare truck in Australia because you can't get them there. By the time it's said and done, he will be in the truck for almost $50,000 for the truck, shipping, and compliance work. He bought the truck from me for $10,000. I guess there is only one guy licesned to do the conversion in Austrailia.