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Posts: 624
Re: Street Racers   Posted Sat Jun 15, 02   12:03 AM     

I was one the first people to give him props before and after he raced. He built a quick car, regardless what it is. Fast is fast. I do not like the recent BS he is spouting though. It doesn't help the forum and is just as annoying as the 15 year old kids that show up and post because of the Game. Thats fine and all but Neon, do you really think you'll make no CV people leave? Get real. You can't make anybody leave and your putting out a very negative image of yourself and the vehicle you race by ranting about people that shouldn't be here because they don't live in your valley. Ya wanna bitch on people, bitch on the ones that contribute nothing and waste time and thread space. Once they all leave, then you can work on the rest of us that are not from the valley.

----------------------------------------------------------- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

Posts: 2404
Re: Street Racers   Posted Sat Jun 15, 02   2:02 AM     

avengers are alot better performance wise hahaha your a fuckin dumb bitch arnt you, right there that shows how much you know about a neon and an avenger


Posts: 15
Re: Street Racers   Posted Wed Jun 19, 02   2:34 AM     

Avengers are pretty cool, in my opinion. Neons are pieces of foldable plastic. But see, why get mad.. its just MY OPINION

You have to trusted by the people that you lie to. So that when they turn their backs on you, you'll get the chance to put the knife in. -pink floyd
Posts: 14
Re: Street Racers   Posted Thu Jun 27, 02   9:06 AM     

yeah bring the stang i'll hand you your ass on a silver plater rice burner R34 v-spec

Posts: 1799
Re: Street Racers   Posted Thu Jun 27, 02   10:52 AM     

You know, signor r34, I hate to do this, but i'm calling bullshit. I want to see pictures of you standing next to the car holding the newspaper from the same day you take the picture.

I hate to say that, but look at it from our perspective. That is a damn race car from japan. It's highly doubtful that you bought one and had it shipped over, went through all the DOT certification process (a process I know very well having brought over a vintage BMW Eurospec GT Grp 1 Racer myself from switzerland).

My experience yielded the following hell involved: I had to have an engineer draft a 47 page document detailing the structural integrity of both front and rear bumpers, the doors had to have an additional structure beam welded into the interior of the door itself. Basically, my guy had to calculate all of the structural issues that a crash test would generate. If you would like, I would gladly post a few of the pages of nothing but crazy assed equations involved in one of these simple tasks. In addition to the structural issues, the vehicle also had to be gone through completely to conform to all of the other DOT rules - like a light coming on when the car is started indicating that the seatbelt had to be fastened...etc. There were about 20 of these modifications. Then we had to put vin plates where they would be visible from the windshield, stamp vin numbers into both subframes and the unitbody. It was a hellish ordeal, and I find it hard to believe that a, how old are you? 17? 17 year old kid would have the money, time and legal wherewithall to accomplish such a task.

So if you want us to believe you (which I for one certainly will) , produce some photos with a date sensitive context...and just for grins, take the photos with you, the newspaper, the keys in your hand sitting in the drivers seat.



'64 El Camino w/ 383 Stroker; '75 BMW 3.0 CS w/ 3.2l Stroker; '78 IH Scout TBI/MSD 345 V8; '85 Jag XJS w/ 327 Dual Quad & Camelbacks; '96 Dodge Ram 4" Drop, 20's, Purdy...
Posts: 1799
Re: Street Racers   Posted Thu Jun 27, 02   10:53 AM     

yeah also, dude, his mustang unfortunately cannot fit into a memory card for a ps2.


'64 El Camino w/ 383 Stroker; '75 BMW 3.0 CS w/ 3.2l Stroker; '78 IH Scout TBI/MSD 345 V8; '85 Jag XJS w/ 327 Dual Quad & Camelbacks; '96 Dodge Ram 4" Drop, 20's, Purdy...
Posts: 121
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jun 28, 02   4:00 AM     

lmao uglystick... your posts get better and better every day.


Posts: 2404
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jun 28, 02   5:59 AM     

both of you guys are fuckin idiots find a diff web site

Posts: 121
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jun 28, 02   6:29 AM     


Trying to prove your ASE certification again?

If I ever need to 'ease the pain' i'll smoke a J. In your case, KY and amyl nitrate will probably help more.

Posts: 1799
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jun 28, 02   11:29 AM     

Nice answer shitdick. Now, if you prefer to act like a civilized person, I really do want the answers to those questions about your motor. Unless you think you're a cross between John Force and James Bond, and all of that ASE certified voodoo is top secret. Honestly though, your car is a piece of shit, my 4x4 could suck you up twice in 20 minutes at laguna seca, and I fucked your mom last night.

Now shut the fuck up before I come down there, find you, and use my stainless steel roller rockers to remove your fingers so you can't bother us anymore.


I'll give you my address if you want to come get me, bitch. I'll teach you a lesson with the short end of a pretzled driveshaft and bury you in my backyard for my dog to piss on. And yes, even my 2 year old black lab is ASE Certified. Shit, there are guys who work for jiffy lube up here who are ASE Certified. You act like you went to work pit crew for a ProComp Rail team or something...oh wait, that's what I do on my weekends. Let me guess, you roll down the main drag in Palm Springs and blip your throttle at every hot rod going the opposite direction, then run and hide before they flip a bitch and eat you for lunch...I know your type.

'64 El Camino w/ 383 Stroker; '75 BMW 3.0 CS w/ 3.2l Stroker; '78 IH Scout TBI/MSD 345 V8; '85 Jag XJS w/ 327 Dual Quad & Camelbacks; '96 Dodge Ram 4" Drop, 20's, Purdy...

Posts: 2404
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jun 28, 02   11:43 AM     

you don't even know my car dumb bitch and you obviously dont know me, i fucked your mom last night? lol cant get throu that 8th grade immaturity can you, you know what maybe you should bring your ass down here shit i'll bet you 100$ you wouldn't say a god dam thing to my face, but hey you wouldn't get a chance cuz my brass knuckles would already be cracking your skull open accross the road in the middle of 38th ave

Posts: 1799
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jun 28, 02   12:17 PM     

awww, come on! you're right the 'i fucked your mom' comment was pretty uninspired....but the rest of the post was pretty creative, wasn't it? if there is an art to talking shit, i'm certainly trying to master it. if i hurt your feelings, i apologize. i didn't mean to get you all riled up or start a fight that is never going to occur...

i'm gonna stop talkin shit to you now though, seriously. i've had my fun, and i'm sure you have as well, to a degree.

really though, tell me about your car. i'm honestly interested. i know those neons can be fast. tell me what you did to get it there... i won't tell anyone your secret. if you want, you can send me a private message or an e-mail.


'64 El Camino w/ 383 Stroker; '75 BMW 3.0 CS w/ 3.2l Stroker; '78 IH Scout TBI/MSD 345 V8; '85 Jag XJS w/ 327 Dual Quad & Camelbacks; '96 Dodge Ram 4" Drop, 20's, Purdy...
Posts: 405
Re: Street Racers   Posted Sat Jun 29, 02   5:49 PM     

you shouldn't talking about how mature people are...Your like 2nd grade mature...and on top of that I'm sure that your the only yellow riced out neon there is in c. it wouldn't be that hard to find you...and if you want a piece of me then you can drive your ass down to pomona and we will race....

Go Ahead.... Unleash your Beast.... Mine will be waiting...

Posts: 2404
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jul 12, 02   12:46 AM     

my car drive up there to race a stock stang? haha funny stuff, your lame and you know where to come when you want ur ass handed to you after you see a fucking 4 door neon 8 cars ahead of you half way down the track, do your self a favor buy a dodge

Posts: 405
Re: Street Racers   Posted Fri Jul 12, 02   8:24 PM     

8 cars...hahaha...funny shit...and why don't you come down here and talk shit to my face...why dont you...Stop talking about this you come down here with all your fag friends...if you have friends and we will all brawl. How about that dumb ass. Fuck this racing. I'm more of a man then you'll ever be. Grow some balls and talk shit to my it.

Go Ahead.... Unleash your Beast.... Mine will be waiting...
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