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Main >> Domestic Forum Thread views: 2792

Posts: 11
Wadup   Posted Thu May 9, 02   8:41 PM     

wadup everybody! im just getting into modding my own car and could use some help desiding what i want to do. i have raced before but just not with my car. i drive a Honda civic HB 1991. so if anyone has some suggestions that would be great.


Posts: 624
Re: Wadup   Posted Thu May 9, 02   9:16 PM     

Welcome to the board. Be more specific on what you want to do. Engine, suspension, interior, exterior, stereo, aesthetics, electrical...............Don't say all. What do YOU want to do with it and do you actually have the resources to do it in the first place?

----------------------------------------------------------- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
Posts: 11
Re: Wadup   Posted Fri May 10, 02   6:26 AM     

as of right now i want to manly work on the engine and suspension. im really good with stereo and have that stuff already.


Posts: 123
Re: Wadup   Posted Fri May 10, 02   10:20 AM
