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Main >> Domestic Forum Thread views: 2004


Posts: 7
leaf blower turbo?!?!?!?   Posted Sat Aug 31, 02   12:25 PM     

i saw a guy that put his leaf blower attached to his intake manifold.....i guess he couldnt afford the turbo or he had lots of spare time. He claims it worked but he said he never took it out of the driveway.

Ideas, comments?

SR20DET's are the shit
Posts: 6
Re: leaf blower turbo?!?!?!?   Posted Sun Sep 1, 02   9:25 PM     

........ wrong,................. just plain wrong.........

Edited by PitFlames (Sun Sep 1, 02   9:25 PM)


Posts: 596
Re: leaf blower turbo?!?!?!?   Posted Fri Sep 20, 02   12:16 PM     

I say he needs to take that leafblower and clean some of the cobwebs out of his head. :P

Come away O human child
To the waters and the wild
With a faery hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand

Posts: 2404
Re: leaf blower turbo?!?!?!?   Posted Sat Sep 21, 02   2:43 PM     

its a bunch of bull shit, people sell alot of that crap on ebay, that shit wouldnt flow enough air to be any use - and may even result in an air restriction. it would have to flow 2000cfm + to make any difference