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Posts: 713
Got a job interview WOOT!   Posted Wed Oct 8, 03   10:06 PM     

well, i have set up a job interview at the Sports Chalet in riverside for tomorrow, for the new Redlands store opening in a couple months. Im stoked, i sure hope i have a chance at getting a job hehe. Wish me luck please, im sure im going to need it!

-73 Musatng 351c - 12mpg
-98 Civic EX D16Y8 - 30mpg

Posts: 1742
Re: Got a job interview WOOT!   Posted Thu Oct 9, 03   6:14 PM     

Cool man, hope it works out.


1970 Datsun 240Z

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Posts: 713
Re: Got a job interview WOOT!   Posted Thu Oct 9, 03   7:07 PM     

Well guys, it seems as if the interviewer sure likes me ! i was dressed up very nicely, slacks, dress shoes, blue button up collar shirt, blue tie, nice belt, and i had my hair done as cleanly as possible . The interviewer (lets just call him the manager, easier to type ) was very cool, and made it very simple for me to answer his questions. He liked the way i answered them and the qualities that i have for the job. At the very end of the interview he asked an OFF THE WALL question , soemthing to really make me think, to see if i was up ot the challenge hehe.
teh other manager came in the room to see how well i would do on this part.
The question was this :

"Why are sewage manholes round?"

Well my anser was :
"well they are round because it is the most efficient shape for moving such a large and heavy peice of metal, any other shape such as a square , would be more difficult because you have to line it up and place it in a certain way. a circle will just slide into place nomatter how you put it.

well he had a look of astonishment on his face, and so did the other manager. he said that was by far the best answer he has ever gotten, althought it wasnt the answer he had come up with, he was gunna use that answer as another correct answer! i think i got bonus points on that one!

his answer was this : "it is round because any other shape would have the ability to fall into the sewer".. damn if i had a couple more minutes to think of that i might have gotten it, but its tough when ur in that situation! but i guess i still did good

he then put me on the "employee to be" list, well thats what it looked like, and he asked me if i could go do the drug screening right then, which i did in colton on the way home. now i gotta get a work permit from school and get back to him. The new Sports chalet where i will be working (In the WINTERSPORTS section of course ) will be finished in the beginning of november. im not sure how im gunna get my training but ill worry about that when the time comes.

overall , i feel confident that i will be fine wiht this job. and i feel the managers see me as a worthy employee.

-73 Musatng 351c - 12mpg
-98 Civic EX D16Y8 - 30mpg

Posts: 624
Re: Got a job interview WOOT!   Posted Thu Oct 9, 03   7:46 PM     

next time you see him and wanna try and stump him back.


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Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
Posts: 2924
Re: Got a job interview WOOT!   Posted Wed Oct 15, 03   10:15 AM     

theyre round cuz turds are round duh

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?