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Posts: 202
Re: Great news   Posted Thu Oct 23, 03   3:35 PM     

lol yeah he kinda scared me a bit there too

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Posts: 405
Re: Great news   Posted Thu Oct 23, 03   9:22 PM     

she is not pregnant...thank you very much. and you all are scarying me with this shit....and i have owned everything but the sims.....i own sim citys and shit like that....i want to play the sims though....anyways.....peace

Go Ahead....
Unleash your Beast....
Mine will be waiting...

Posts: 776
Re: Great news   Posted Thu Oct 23, 03   10:40 PM     

That's cool man. no kid for now. BUT THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT TIME!

.................anyway about the sims. I always like freaking starved the kids and make them live in pee and trash in this little room with no doors or windows for a week. THEN I burn em, or put them in a pool with no way out. mwa ha ha ha. I TOTALLY understand how good it feels, Hoo.

ALSO I collect videogames and videogame systems (old and new) and I just added the Gamecube to my list. I mainly got it to keep my girlfriend happy and busy while I was away and get her into newer games (she loves classic NES and SNES games and tetris). She's not big into the X-Box or PS2, and the pre-nes stuff i sn't up her alley. BUT I got her the Cube and a game called ANIMAL CROSSING! IT STOLE HER LIFE. She's only recently been able to be pulled away from it for a whole day. It's a cool game, but is highly addictive to some. It's crazy. go check it out and see what I mean.

Posts: 2924
Re: Great news   Posted Fri Oct 24, 03   3:16 AM     

i heard that animal corssing game was good and yes matt pools with diving boards and no ladders do rock it's also fun when you let them get bit by the hamster get sick and die a slow death ooh boy fun fun

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

Posts: 776
Re: Great news   Posted Sat Oct 25, 03   9:37 PM     

haven't done that hamster one yet......... maybe I I find myself playing that game again I'll try it.

Posts: 726
Re: Great news   Posted Mon Oct 27, 03   9:38 PM     

I've got an Atari 2600, can't remember which games are with it but it is vintage.

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