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Posts: 405
Great news   Posted Tue Oct 14, 03   10:36 PM     

As the subject title says. i have great news. First Pep boys is going great. now even better. They are paying me to be trained. so far there teaching me alignments. finish that class tomorrow. brakes next week...required. then electrical, engine 1-7. then obd's. so on and so on. free for me and they pay me to go...ain't that great,........well i think it is. second my mustang is running strong. very strong....well it was until a broke a motor mount. but now with the c4 working like it should the fuel injected 5.0 going in next week. and thinking of getting a 5 speed. and i got my bid on for the turbo... going for something different. and now i know what color i'm painting the buick...took this long to figure out. and got the suicde door kit for the buick. oh oh oh....and may be a thats scary...and yes i did use protection. and she was on the pill. and some other stuff has happend too.

Go Ahead....
Unleash your Beast....
Mine will be waiting...

Posts: 776
Re: Great news   Posted Wed Oct 15, 03   9:50 AM     

Well I guess that's all great... even the part about the kid. If you do have one though, are you keeping it?

Posts: 2924
Re: Great news   Posted Wed Oct 15, 03   10:31 AM     

congrats kids rock! and all that other stuff to

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
Posts: 405
Re: Great news   Posted Thu Oct 16, 03   9:37 PM     

yes i am going to keep the kid if she is pregnant...unless you want to buy....ill trade you the van....hahah...j/k......oh man i'm going to hell for that one. just as long as the baby has her face, eyes, well everything, just my last name..thats all i want.

Go Ahead....
Unleash your Beast....
Mine will be waiting...

Posts: 776
Re: Great news   Posted Sat Oct 18, 03   4:05 PM     

yeah kids are pretty cool, unless you're just not prepared for them. But if you're happy and set, awesome.

Best part about having a kid is doing whatever want to it. Like the old Tomagatchi's! Starve it, don't let it sleep, make it poop itslef. HOURS of entertainment man.

Posts: 405
Re: Great news   Posted Sat Oct 18, 03   8:30 PM     

i guess i'll see you in hell man....for that last post...hahhaa....j/k.....well we should be finding out on monday

Go Ahead....
Unleash your Beast....
Mine will be waiting...
Posts: 2924
Re: Great news   Posted Tue Oct 21, 03   12:35 AM     

i loved tamagotchis it was fun to steal them from people that actually cared and kill it!

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

Posts: 548
Re: Great news   Posted Tue Oct 21, 03   1:37 PM     

they were one of the saddest things ever, right up there with sims and pokemon

A wheel is for ever. A car is infinity times four.
Drive it like you stole it!
Posts: 2924
Re: Great news   Posted Tue Oct 21, 03   7:20 PM     

hey the sims is a kick ass game fucknut

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

Posts: 776
Re: Great news   Posted Tue Oct 21, 03   9:38 PM     

yeah I agree that the sims rule. I have like a whole town. I live in the rich ass house with my wife and my job is Pro Racecar driver. Then I have all my friends in the rest of the neighborhood. Some of them are big losers that I just make pee their pants all the time (some have nice houses). ...the game is fun if you have time to kill. Especially if you get your buddies involved.

Posts: 202
Re: Great news   Posted Wed Oct 22, 03   1:15 PM     

Yeah man the sims rawks, and sadly enough i did used to have a tamigotchi lol

[External Image Removed]

Posts: 548
Re: Great news   Posted Wed Oct 22, 03   2:48 PM     

ooh, hooyeahs not content with real life welath, he has to go and earn virtual money as well...
comeon, having a VIRTUAL LIFE on your computer is one of the saddest things ever. come on, theres got to be somebody sane who agrees with me....

A wheel is for ever. A car is infinity times four.
Drive it like you stole it!

Posts: 776
Re: Great news   Posted Wed Oct 22, 03   9:52 PM     

I agree that it's sad if that's all you do. Like the guys who play everquest 24/7. THAT is werid. But playing Sims once in a while is kind of neat. Although if he was like talking to the game and pretending it WAS real, that would creep me out.

Posts: 2924
Re: Great news   Posted Thu Oct 23, 03   4:03 AM     

diggery donkish paluka nigrafluflap see look i talk simmish

beep beep beep now i'm talking tamagotchiish

actually i didnt earn much virtual money in the sims all i did was steal everyones women and could never make freinds with anytone so i pretty much sucked but it is fun as mat said making them pee their pants. although i prefer to trap them in a rom ful of wisker furniture and start the fireplace...oh this room has no doors or windows or wqay out it's fun watching them squirm like little piggies SQUEAL DAMNIT SQUEALLLL **kick kick**

what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?

Posts: 548
Re: Great news   Posted Thu Oct 23, 03   12:40 PM     

er... jesus you are one scary fucker, where the hell did you escape from?
but its better than doing it in real life... well, maybe not the women bit... hehehe

A wheel is for ever. A car is infinity times four.
Drive it like you stole it!
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