There is a place here called "fresno distributing". The owner has some pretty bad ass cars, that he always parks out by the street in front. 360 modena, 03 viper, ferrari f50. But today it was something different. A black Enzo. Without a doubt, the MOST beautiful car I have ever seen in my whole life. It was insane. A good buddy of mine got some pictures, Ill post 'em when I get them from him. Thats the story. Thought I'd share.
Re: Saw an Enzo today.. Posted Thu Dec 4, 03 9:20 PM
Don't bother, Storm hates how they look. ha ha. ACTUALLY post away. I'd be nice to see some good car photos of a REALLY expensive cars. There is a massive ammount of audi and porshe (I think it's like deer for htem... where the plural is the same) in Ann Arbor near where I live, occationally you'll see a ferrari, but I've yet to see an enzo. Sweet ass man.