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Posts: 2
Is it import or domestic   Posted Sun May 2, 04   7:02 AM     

Hi, i'm new to these forums. My new project car is a mazda RX-7 with a chevy 350 engine swap. Do I ask questions about it in the import or domestics thread?

Posts: 87
Re: Is it import or domestic   Posted Sun May 2, 04   7:43 PM     

If you want to know about the body, import. The engine, domestic.

I don't know why you'd want to weigh down the front of the car with such a heavy engine. A three rotor engine would be a better swap IMO.

"Genius is one-percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." - Thomas A. Edison

Play Gang Wars!
Posts: 221
Re: Is it import or domestic   Posted Tue May 4, 04   1:29 AM     

You do know about, right? If not, check it out, and they links contained therein. The car is still an import, the motor has just been transplanted. If I were to destroy my FD and swap in say, an LS6, I'd still call it a Japanese car (it just had a heart transplant from an unfortunate Z06 donor). Just my opinion.

the doctors say I have ADD, but the just don't understand, hey look! a chicken!