Question about what to do with a 1991 Firebird Posted Mon Nov 1, 04 1:51 PM
Whats up here, just somehow stumbled to this site. I reciently baught a 1991 Pontiac Firebird, extior and intior are great, fixed the appearance in general. Its only a V6 3.1, I want to get the most torque and horsepower possible; I'm thinking of saving up some big $$$ and then buying a custom v8 454 engine. But in the meantime I'm stuck with my 6, got any ideas that dont cost too much $$$ but get some nice output from it. Thanks in advance
Re: Question about what to do with a 1991 Firebird Posted Mon Nov 1, 04 4:06 PM
well,first off, my advice is don't waste the money if you are going to replace the engine anyway, just save all of the money you would spend and you will be able to get the new engine that much sooner. It's a waste of money to fix up an engine you aren't going to keep.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.