Posts: 62
Mustang VrS Civic Posted Tue Jan 25, 05 8:23 AM
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My freind got a 1995 Honda Civic Hatchback with no power steering...He claims he got a (gsr engine) but he doesnt its stock....because my other freind saw it and he lied to me..but wutever..he says he can smoke my 1995 Mustang GT v8 in a drag race....he was like its lighter and way faster..and then he was like i got 400hp stock in my car...I Was like stfu you mexican you and your big can muffler...but can he beat me with his stock car? proabley not right?
Posts: 221
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Tue Jan 25, 05 2:38 PM
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He sounds a bit retarded, so, assuming he can drive a car in a straight line, well, I'm not going to answer this, just race and find out for yourself. But, please, do it in the middle of nowhere, without any traffic or pedestrians nearby.
the doctors say I have ADD, but the just don't understand, hey look! a chicken!
Posts: 1395
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Wed Jan 26, 05 11:04 AM
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No need to try it out, if it's a stock civic then it's got no chance. But if you feel like having some fun then please do as talljosh says and do it somehwhere deserted so no one else can get hurt if you guys mess up. Then let 'em fly!
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Posts: 62
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Wed Jan 26, 05 4:55 PM
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yeah i am not stupid to do it in traffic thats just retarded...i am not even going to race him no more... cuz his import insent going to touch a v8 260 hp "AMERICAN" is a mexican all he has is his mexican muffler tip that looks like a SOUP CAN~lol
Edited by NotoriouS187 (Thu Jan 27, 05 6:52 AM)
Posts: 1395
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Thu Jan 27, 05 11:49 PM
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dude, what's with the racism? mexican this, mexican that...that's not cool dude.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

Posts: 12
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Tue Feb 8, 05 10:53 PM
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man no way in hell that rice rocket can win, in its day it was made as a go to the market ,moms econo ride. A mustang gt was performance by 1995 standars. You got to have more trust in your ride man, its a mustang.
joel hernandez
Posts: 187
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Tue Mar 1, 05 2:08 PM
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I'm mexican and my civic spanks GT'S!!! does that count? hahahaha
but my civic isn't stock so I'm just messin' with ya! I just thought the mexican part was funny....
Kutsuju Racing Pres

Posts: 1646
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Tue Mar 1, 05 8:55 PM
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I highly doubt yoru civic spanks a GT, it would take extensive work and tuning to do so.
"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"
Posts: 187
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Fri Mar 4, 05 6:26 PM
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I'm boosted with a turbo from an 03 wrx...
Kutsuju Racing Pres
Posts: 187
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Fri Mar 4, 05 6:26 PM
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Kutsuju Racing Pres
Edited by Kutsuju_racing (Fri Mar 4, 05 6:28 PM)

Posts: 12
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Sun Mar 6, 05 1:08 AM
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If you beat gt's all the time how aboute taking mine's on, since your car is fast, maybe a small bet would make things interesting or putting down your pink if you got the balls. I talk my s*it but I back it up, so hit me up if you live in so. cali.
all raced out, nowere to go
Posts: 56
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Tue Mar 8, 05 8:40 PM
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Umm, 95-98 GT mustangs are turds, unless somewhat heavily modified. I've spanked quite a few in the neon, which may as well be stock, given the few mods done to it.
[External Image Removed]
If the car wasn't screaming, I wasn't racing.

Posts: 1646
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Tue Mar 8, 05 9:47 PM
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Because your boosted, your probably running in the low 14's, high 13's, and having a turbo unit from an 03 wrx doesnt mean anything, its what kind of unit you have(t3/04, 15G GT25 etc..) and how much boost your running. You could have a turbo unit from a Supra, it wouldnt make any difference if your running the same psi.
"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"
Posts: 187
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Wed Mar 9, 05 1:12 PM
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dude what are you smoking? It doesn't matter what kind of boost I'm running?
withthat comment you've never been in a boosted car. 2 PSI can make a big difference on the same turbo let alone a bigger one.
Second of all I never said shit about my car being fast. I just said I would beat that dudes or any stock GT or slightly modded. I'm running 8 PSI if you wondering and yeah it's probably in the high 13s on street tires. but that had nothing to do with the topic or post ....
which means I was right!
I highly doubt yoru civic spanks a GT, it would take extensive work and tuning to do so
Kutsuju Racing Pres
Edited by Kutsuju_racing (Wed Mar 9, 05 1:14 PM)
Posts: 187
Re: Mustang VrS Civic Posted Wed Mar 9, 05 1:24 PM
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Damn son throw away you F&F dvd please. I'm a grown ass man. and I live outside phoenix where 10 second boosted mustangs come from so don't bother trying to scare me with that pink slip shit.
Matter of fact if you want to waste a trip and gas money I have a few friends who won't mind racing you. I'm not hitting the track till next season. (street racings for kids) real drag racing is at the track.
by next season I'll have a fully buit motor and new turbo and slicks so come if you want too. in the end I don't want to hear "yeah but your car only weighs 2200lbs.
I don't race for money I race to hear did you see that civic smoke that.... (again my car is not fast yet) please go back and read my old posts, I was cool and you came at me. pretty much why i never post here.
Kutsuju Racing Pres
Edited by Kutsuju_racing (Wed Mar 9, 05 1:27 PM)