Sorry i've been gone for so long and haven't posted guys!! I know you have all missed me alot (ok, that was just a joke). Just posting to say hi again!
I will not hesitate to beat your a** with your own shoe m***** f*****
-LAPD Officer
I'm back too, sorta. I was in Turkey for the past week and had no good internet connection. Now I'm back in Poland and will be stopping in again to read the bitchfests (Rx and FiveO have got a few interesting ones going right now) and maybe with some comments if I can think of anything. Remember, pictures of Non-US market cars coming in just about 2 weeks when I get back to the states and my photo editing software (gotta get the resolutions down or the mods will get pissed about the 680 kb sizes of each picture)., there are some interesting ones. Have fun everyone.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.