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Posts: 266
2006 Tokyo Auto Salon   Posted Sat Jan 21, 06   10:53 AM

check it out.

Living life in the fast lane.....
Posts: 1395
Re: 2006 Tokyo Auto Salon   Posted Sat Jan 21, 06   1:18 PM     

Too flashy for my tastes, but if you look at #s 18 and 19 you see they list that Civic Dominator at 300 hp (I was a bit more exact in my power conversion).

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

Posts: 266
Re: 2006 Tokyo Auto Salon   Posted Sun Jan 22, 06   10:59 AM     

yea, but they want to sell it so they would advertise it as 300hp, so technically its over-rated, but hey there might be a few that put out 300hp or less then 297 so yea, you never know with some cars

Living life in the fast lane.....