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Posts: 11
Video: Wild Action from NMCA Fastest Street Car Sh   Posted Sun Apr 9, 06   4:51 AM     

If you want to check out some of the wildest Fastest Street Car racing, all of the video from Qualifying from the NMCA event at Bradenton Motorsports Park in Florida is now online.

The best clips are in Round 3 Qualifying, about mid-way through - Xtreme Street racer Tony Orts pulls a perfect wheelstand to half, blows a huge nitrous explosion at half track, and runs fast enough to STILL qualify #1!

Also, about 10 pairs later, something breaks in a Nostaligia Pro Street Camaro, a huge amount of sparks shower under the car, and the parachute opens at the 300-foot mark, and the guy races with his chute behind him!

One thing is cool is that the announcer's voice, Dr. Jamie Meyer, is now added to the action.. so it's a lot more exciting to watch.


Posts: 11
Re: Video: Wild Action from NMCA Fastest Street Ca   Posted Mon Apr 17, 06   5:45 PM     

Guys the final round racing action finally got posted last week. There is a killer race between two Pro Street racers, Tim O'Hare and Vinny Budano. O'Hare suffered engine damage at the end of the track and Budano just barely beat him with his '68 Camaro.

Bill Glidden won Super Street in his Black Mustang with a 7.0 when his opponent got out of shape and had to lift..

Link to NMCA Final Round at Bradenton

In Mean Street there was a wicked bumper dragging wheelstand but you can't see all of it because of the camera angle..
