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Posts: 28
Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   7:18 AM     

Can any-one tell me what car from these I should get (and stil have some exstra cash to use on upgrades)?


2)Lancer Evo VIII



5)'02 Spider


7)'03 Celica

And, I geuss thats it. please help-I can't Deside!

Edited by ND4SPD (Thu Aug 24, 06   11:48 AM)


Posts: 154
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   8:52 AM     

PROTIP:What car can you actually buy? I doubt even a civic

Anyone can shoot a bullet, but it take skill to drive one.
Posts: 28
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   8:56 AM     

I have a frikin' job man-it's not like I'm a bum like that fag NOS. Oh, and yah what ever man, I screw up at spelling some times.

Posts: 265
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   9:02 AM     

That list is garbage. Here is the car you should get..

Now it doesn’t look like much, but just try to imagine it with a huge wing, neon lights and some 20” spinners wheels!! I wouldn’t paint it though. That paint is in pretty mint shape. Now to make it go fast, set yourself up with a cold air kit! You could easily make your own using some old vacuum cleaner hose and duct tape.

89 Mustang 11.86 @ 118mph

Posts: 154
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   9:06 AM     

You sir, are WIN

Anyone can shoot a bullet, but it take skill to drive one.
Posts: 28
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   9:07 AM     

No thanks dude... ...But, that would look a little bit like some lame crap pile not a the type of car I'm looking for.

Posts: 265
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   9:30 AM     

Listen buddy if you want us to make all of your decisions for you then your just going to have to accept what we decide. I’m going to give you one more option here and if you don’t like it then your on your own..

I really think this is a good deal considering the kid comes with it to.

89 Mustang 11.86 @ 118mph
Posts: 28
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   9:36 AM     

OK then I'm on my own then retard.

Posts: 265
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   9:55 AM     

I’m the retard? Here is an idea why don’t you get the car that you like? Why is that you are incapable of your own opinion? How do you get dressed in the morning? Is there some forum where you ask complete strangers what outfit you should put on? How about what you want to eat for lunch? Or does your mom dress you and make you lunch? If that who is making all of your decisions then why not ask her what kind of car you like?

89 Mustang 11.86 @ 118mph
Posts: 28
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   9:59 AM     

my mom and dad are devorced you bitch. your just as bad as NOS-why don't you go screw him! asshole.

Posts: 265
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   10:02 AM     

Well thank you for filling us in on the marital status of your parents, although I’m not sure what relevance that has with you being to retarded to form your own opinion...

89 Mustang 11.86 @ 118mph
Posts: 28
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   10:05 AM     

and by the way i just wanted to know from some experienced people but i guess you guys don't know as much as I thougth.

Posts: 28
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   10:10 AM     

Just Read the title stupid-Witch car is the BEST. not witch car has lots of space in the back seat.

Posts: 265
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   10:17 AM     

There are a few people on this board that know a lot about cars. But we are all sick of some retarded 12 year old asking us what car to buy. Buy whatever car you want idiot! You want to know specifics about a car then ask. If you would of come in here and asked a more intelligent question I wouldn’t of mocked you.

For instance if you would of asked

“I really like the Evo VIII and the 350Z. My target is to make 400-500hp and it will primarily be a ¼ mile car but I still want it streetable. My question is how well will the stock components of both cars hold up to the increase in power, block trans etc.. is one care a little more robust over the other?”

That would be a moderately intelligent question but rather then that you basically say “I’m too stupid to pick a car I like so here is a list somebody pick for me because my mom is mad at me and said I cant get a car”

89 Mustang 11.86 @ 118mph

Edited by DBLDREW (Thu Aug 24, 06   10:19 AM)

Posts: 28
Re: Witch car is the best   Posted Thu Aug 24, 06   10:33 AM     

Ok, but which car do you think is the best in performence? and it's not 12 its 13.

some-one run over NOS

Edited by ND4SPD (Thu Aug 24, 06   10:37 AM)

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