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Posts: 1
Flashers / 4 ways   Posted Wed Feb 7, 07   3:42 PM     

What's the deal with the falshers on after a race? I havent been to the races in years , the other night I went out to watch and after all the races they would put them on. I dont recall that back in the day.

Posts: 588
Re: Flashers / 4 ways   Posted Wed Feb 7, 07   7:18 PM     

its the ricers and morons yah of saying "durhurhur i got infront of you after you slowed down so i win"

86 mustang GT- lil boost lil spray lil mods
86 bronco 4x4 - 33's, mags, magniflow true duels, CAI ford racing 19 lb injectors's and much more

Posts: 1646
Re: Flashers / 4 ways   Posted Thu Feb 8, 07   1:53 PM     

Amazing, they talk like you.

"go wack you balls to a picture of 2 faggets you homo" << Direct quote from FastFiveO

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