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Posts: 1799
Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Fri Dec 6, 02   1:03 PM     


i had a very interesting conversation today with ray korman of korman bmw tuning in north carolina. i called asking for a turbo exhaust manifold, and lo & behold, he is going to go look...BUT, he may very well have a used twin turbo manifold, piping & airbox. no turbos. he's calling me tomorrow at home...hmmm...

i'm curious to hear what ls454 thinks of this one! afaik, it used a set of garret t3's...

i know someone with this setup on their coupe and they're getting upwards of 400 wheel horsepower. yikes.

i'm seeing busted guibos, getrags and zf ring & pinions in my future...


'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.

Posts: 1742
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Fri Dec 6, 02   2:52 PM     

Sounds like a nice character learning experience :P



Posts: 1303
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Fri Dec 6, 02   3:00 PM     

getrag? whats a getrag? i know that is who builds the 5 speed transmision for GM. i wonder if its the same company.


Posts: 1742
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Fri Dec 6, 02   3:26 PM     

Yeah, and they got one in the new Mini and the SVT Focus both 6 speeds.


Posts: 726
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Sat Dec 7, 02   8:51 AM     

Sounds interesting Jason, but why not go with the Euro 745 (not the new one) set up? That would be a nice bolt in operation, the twin turbos would take quite a bit of plumbing to get it going. You may be able to get the same boost from a single turbo with an adjustable wastegate. Is this set up for your 3.0 coupe? Sorry I haven't gotten back to you on the engine numbers yet, been real busy at work.


Posts: 544
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Sat Dec 7, 02   10:25 AM     

getrag makes transmissions for lots of vehicles... i think the nissan skylines also have a 6-spd getrag... my fiero has a 5-spd getrag.... lots of ford and gm cars have getrags...


Posts: 1799
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   11:07 AM     

745's had a funky manifold. it won't fit in my car. amhik.

i would prefer a single garret t3/t4 hybrid. not the kkk that came on the 754i's. in addition, finding a 745i in good shape is tough. i have a good friend who has a seized 745i, but i doubt he'd give up the manifold. most of the plumbing is down at the bottom of the firewall though, as opposed to forward (where i would prefer it).

no worries about the engine numbers...


'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.
Posts: 1799
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   1:09 PM     

oh and yes, it is the same getrag. geet - rog to be specific.


'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.

Posts: 1742
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   1:41 PM     

I was reading up on it, and the new 6 spd's are supposed to have variable shaft/pinion, (I believe), which changes the final ratio with driving condidtions...


Posts: 1799
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   3:37 PM     


i got em. single rayjay turbo exh. manifold & twin turbo kkk manifold along with a bunch of other pieces, a wastegate and a few spare turbos...getting the specifics tomorrow morning.


'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.

Posts: 1742
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   4:21 PM     

Man, if I didn't have to worry about smog, my car woulda been turbo'd last year Sounds sweet dude, can't wait to hear bout em


Posts: 616
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   4:45 PM     

Whats the SMOG that you are talking about? Does your emmissions have to meet EPA standards??


Check it out it's like this....
If I lose, winner takes my happy meal.
But if I win, I take the burger AND the TOY!
To some people thats more important.
Posts: 1799
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   4:56 PM     

epa standards out the tailpipe, california standards out the tailpipe, county standards out the tailpipe...AND visual inspection to make sure that nothing non california air resources board (CARB- aka the smog nazis) approved is under that hood...

which means that most manufacturers and aftermarket equipment resalers have to take their products through a rigorous testing process that is highly expensive, and really has NO yields back to the company. hence, if we have any of these lazy companies items under our hoods, we're s.o.l. come smog time (especially if you don't have a friend in the business).

now, for those of us who have friends who do smog checks all day long, they look the other way at the visual requirements and just test the tailpipe.

now, for those of us who have friends who need money and do smog checks, we give them 100 bucks, they plug the sniffer into a honda and we pass even though we have a 600 lift cam and 14:1 compression pistons in a car that won't even run on pump gas! unfortunately, i have no friends of this type...only the former.


'75 BMW 3.0 CS - Terribly Un-stock.
Posts: 616
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   5:00 PM     

I see, I see, we only really have noise, anything else we can pretty much do, and if need be we get an engineers certificate.


Check it out it's like this....
If I lose, winner takes my happy meal.
But if I win, I take the burger AND the TOY!
To some people thats more important.

Posts: 1742
Re: Might go Forced Induction on The Koop   Posted Mon Dec 9, 02   6:35 PM     

Lucky Australians The only way i can go turbo legally is if I buy like a 3000 dollar "CARB" approved kit... Or if I wanted to get an engine swap I could get it to pass the sniffer, but the visuaql check would kill me BTW, this Escort ZX2, (running 13's all motor), at the races had a 450 cam... talk about a rough idle He's got good connections with Gude so he's gonna help hook me up with a head up package and help install it at his shop. 13's for me when I get 1200 bucks


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