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Posts: 3
cat. headers   Posted Wed Aug 25, 04   7:56 PM     

would it be better to get a high flow cat or just take the thing out and put straight 2 1/4 inch pipe. and also my headers are turning a goldish color is it because im running to lean and would it help to put bigger injectors in there. or is my spark plugs

Posts: 184
Re: cat. headers   Posted Thu Aug 26, 04   1:11 PM     

If you don't have to worry about smog and emissions, rip that cat the hell off and put a 2 1/4 inch test pipe on there! From your last post, if you're only running an EX with intake and header, i don't think you're increasing the air flow that much to where you'd be running lean. The headers are probably cheap-o or something, don't know.

Master Shake: "I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them."