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Main >> Import Forum Thread views: 935

Posts: 1
90' Prelude Si   Posted Sun Feb 20, 05   6:05 PM     

just bought a 90' Prelude Si for 675$ wit fried piston rings and 135kmiles on it. wishing that i make some money off it. i have a new engine sittin in the garage waiting for the snow to melt, worth investing in a new tranny while i swap out the old engine???? obviously easier to put in the new tranny and the new engine all at once. let me no wat ya think


Posts: 1646
Re: 90' Prelude Si   Posted Mon Feb 21, 05   6:07 PM     

The parts are worth more than the car.

"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"