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Posts: 21
Ur all big fuckin' meanies!!   Posted Thu Mar 17, 05   1:46 AM     

I come on here and share my wisdom yet theres some people e.g Talljosh, who are absoloute douche bags who fund streetracing via there mummy's purse.

Personally I think your all inbred rednecks who have sex with their sisters and race with them locked in the boot at night.

Fuck you all, I'm going to eat cookies and rub myself.........

I'm in Vegas full tank of gas, wife locked in the boot - driving my way to freedom from the cops!

@$@$@ Look at my profile, be amazed, wow! @$@$@

Posts: 16
Re: Ur all big fuckin' meanies!!   Posted Mon Mar 21, 05   9:48 AM     

oh and that dumb guy he's dumb too. rx_something like that.

i dont love people, i love camaros, zepplen , and french fries

Posts: 1646
Re: Ur all big fuckin' meanies!!   Posted Mon Mar 21, 05   2:57 PM     

I guess knowing what your talking about makes you dumb? In that case, your a genius.

"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"
Posts: 17
Re: Ur all big fuckin' meanies!!   Posted Thu Mar 31, 05   8:59 AM     

yeah I think rx_retard is a idot who doesnt know what he is talking about.and he only cars about things that have to do with his car.

Posts: 184
Re: Ur all big fuckin' meanies!!   Posted Wed Apr 13, 05   4:53 PM     

christ, you all sound like you're 5yrs old, get a fucking grip. Now i remember why i stayed away from this site for so long.....okay, i'm done venting, you guys can go back to watching 2Fast 2Furious now....

"Rolex+650k a year+his very own tv show + Real estate broker + race team mechanic + rental fleet of 90 = a neon that still doesnt run." -BlownGTP


Posts: 1646
Re: Ur all big fuckin' meanies!!   Posted Wed Apr 13, 05   4:54 PM     

I missed you so much, its ridiculous.

"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"