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Posts: 1
1994 toyota celica st engine   Posted Tue May 24, 05   5:14 PM     

this is the story... i was driving around with two of my friends i made the mistake of putting the 300 pound weightlifter in the back and i ended up poking a hole in my oil pan. i didnt notice so i went on the highway and raced from bridgeport connecticut to newyork city and back at 125mph on average. so ofcourse racing with no oil ruined my engine i was devestated. now i not looking for u to tell me how stupid i am i just need help with where i should get a good used engine and what kind for the best speed and power at a cost under 2000 dollars

Posts: 1395
Re: 1994 toyota celica st engine   Posted Tue May 24, 05   6:45 PM     

which engine are you looking for, 7afe, 5sfe, 3sge, 3sgte? here on the west coast has a 7afe with 3000 miles for 1200, but I have no clue about places back east for engines and you'll have to figure shipping costs too. They don't have any other street legal engines for the celica under 2000 bucks.

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

Posts: 1646
Re: 1994 toyota celica st engine   Posted Wed May 25, 05   5:27 PM     

Junkyard. Your best friend, and my business.

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Samir "Office Space"