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Posts: 1646
R.I.P Integra 2004-20xx   Posted Sun Jun 26, 05   8:39 PM     

So I am getting rid of my Integra (not my choice) and getting a new car (not brand new, but new for me) My dad is helping pay for the car, so he has a little bit of say as to what I get. He was leaving towards an RSX, which I dont mind, but I doubt I would get a Type S, and I was thinking more along the lines of a BB6 Prelude. So my problem is, which should I get, based on my driving experience and past history of cars. Ive had a 92 Legend, a 93 LS400, and my current 97 Integra LS.

"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"
Posts: 588
Re: R.I.P Integra 2004-20xx   Posted Mon Jun 27, 05   12:03 PM     

why you gettin rid of the teggy anyways if i were you id go big for the rsx type-s there practicly the only honda id own. but hey.. its your choise.. good luck.

86 mustang GT, 68 galaxie 500 ragtop, 73 charger

Posts: 1646
Re: R.I.P Integra 2004-20xx   Posted Mon Jun 27, 05   2:29 PM     

My dad wants to get me a new car for college. I like the Type S, but the Prelude isnt very far behind. Type S makes 200hp and the Prelude makes 215-220. Not too far off in power, but definitely different cars. I wish some of the Honda heads were around =\

"Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?"-
Samir "Office Space"
Posts: 45
Re: R.I.P Integra 2004-20xx   Posted Wed Jul 20, 05   10:35 PM     

Both are nice cars, but I'd go with the Type-S, considering that the Prelude isn't made anymore. It never had a ton of aftermarket support, and will only get smaller as the Prelude gets older. Meanwhile, the Type-S has a wide variety of parts to choose from.


Posts: 1646
Re: R.I.P Integra 2004-20xx   Posted Sat Jul 23, 05   1:43 AM     

Type S is a nice chunk of change though =\

"go wack you balls to a picture of 2 faggets you homo" << Direct quote from FastFiveO
Posts: 45
Re: R.I.P Integra 2004-20xx   Posted Sat Jul 23, 05   7:47 AM     

Well, I think the Prelude is a great car still, and I would definately take it if I had it offered to me. Im just saying that out of the 2, the Type S would be the best. But if you dont have the money for it, the Prelude isnt bad (and its not like it doesnt have any aftermarket support at all, its just not as much as the RSX).